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Diesel Fuel Management Systems

Diesel fuel storage and fuel transfer management is a critical requirement of any emergency generator system operating diesel generators. Systems Insight has designed a range of control panels to serve the specific task of managing fuel system monitoring and control.

Our range of diesel fuel management control systems are designed to operate autonomously or as an integrated part of our complete generator control system package.

We offer three variations of control panels, which may be selected according to required functionality and whether our ‘Master Control’ system is also utilized for the project. These standard panels are based on a flexible design that easily enables further customizing to suit the customer’s project.

In its basic form, we offer a ‘slave’ type control panel, designed to simply operate fuel transfer pumps via commands from a remotely located intelligent controller. (E.g.: Master Control Panel).

We also offer a fully self-contained diesel fuel management control panel, with integral compact PLC controller. The panel monitors fuel storage levels and automatically replenishes fuel tanks by operating diesel fuel transfer pumps. These intelligent panels feature comprehensive local annunciation, including equipment operating status and alarming of out-of-limits fuel levels and equipment faults.

An intermediate, semi-intelligent control panel is also available, fitted with a PLC remote I/O unit. This panel forwards monitored fuel system information to the Master Panel, which sends back control commands for operation of fuel transfer pumps.